I live in a little wooden house by the sea, next to the Isle of Skye,
in the Highlands of Scotland where I grew up.

I’d love to add some goats and bees to that list eventually – watch this space! Ever since watching the River Cottage series about small-holding a few years ago, I’ve wanted to be able to raise a few animals and try to live a more sustainable life. Now I have the opportunity to do that for which I am really grateful.
When I’m not photographing my wonderful clients, I enjoy spending time in our veg garden. I grow a few things each year for us to eat and have also tried my hand at flowers too so now we have dahlias, sweet peas and tulips to bring vivid splashes of colour the plot.
My biggest hobby though, is cooking (I love, love, LOVE cooking) and my collection of cookery books is not insubstantial – over 200 at the last count. My favourite cuisine is middle eastern but I like most food. Feeding people is something I really enjoy and one day I’m going to learn how to make charcuterie and also set up a little polytunnel supper club on my croft – from field to fork – literally! – where people can eat with a view of Skye. I was auditioned for Masterchef UK last year but sadly didn’t get picked for the show. Maybe I will try again!
My grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great grandmother also lived here and I think it’s pretty amazing that I am looking out on the same views as they did, up to two hundred years ago.
After leaving school and spending many years working in financial public relations in Edinburgh and London, I returned to my roots via a year of travelling from London to India by bus and train and a few months in Africa. Ironically, despite all my globetrotting it was back in the UK where I met a handsome Englishman who had made the Highlands his adopted home and then became my husband.
We have two adorable rescue dogs from Romania, called Casper and Ben, some chickens and ducks, a small flock of native Hebridean sheep and also a couple of pigs. We also have John and Gregg (I’m a huge Masterchef fan) – two pet lambs who we nursed from the day they were born.

Photography has been one of the best things that ever happened to me and I have a career that I absolutely love in an incredibly beautiful part of the world. I feel very lucky to do something that I truly enjoy.
Lynne x
“I’d give Lynne 100 stars if I could!”
Brandi Katz